With pineapple juice becoming mainstream, more people are nowadays favouring the pineapple syrup, as it is denser and considerably more nutritious. The substantially higher concentration of the syrup makes it ideal for use as a refreshment well as a remedy for a host of adverse medical conditions. Mostly, the syrup comes in cans as well as disposable bottles.
Properties and Benefits of Pineapple Syrup
Similar to pineapple juice, the syrup is acidic. It is usually a complimentary drink to main dishes. Given its sugary taste, it is inadvisable to consume large chunks at a time, as this results in taking up too many calories. Despite its consumption in somewhat small quantities, its overall impact on the wellbeing of the human body is enormous. This is primarily due to the presence of substantial proportions of vitamins C and B6 which are known for their pathogen-fighting capabilities. Also, the syrup consists of magnesium and potassium, minerals that are essential to the body’s metabolism.
Pineapples are renowned for their anti-inflammatory properties due to the presence of bromelain, a proteolytic enzyme. They also prevent cancer and suppress the growth of malignant tumours in cancer patients, while also reducing the chances of contacting cardiac complications. Other notable advantages of consuming pineapple syrup include decreasing chances of getting cataracts, prevention of asthma, boosting fertility, managing, and treating osteoarthritis and mitigating the effects of bloating and constipation.
Pineapple Syrup – Manufacturer and Supplier
We strive to give clients the best possible experience, and as a result, we go an extra mile to ensure that our syrup sticks to the highest possible standards.
Besides the iconic syrup, we have an extensive range of products from different fruits. These include oranges, pomegranates, grapes, apples, lemons, and strawberries. All these products undergo processing in state-of-the-art machinery and strictly adhere to the latest regulations as directed by the relevant authorities.
-18º - ASEPTIC
- 3/25 Kg
- 250 Kg
- 1.000 Kg
2.5-3.5 - BRIX